How To Believe In Yourself

Posted On September 20, 2021


by Michael Budensiek

How To Believe In Yourself

“Yes I can, No I can’t, Yes I can, No I can’t… UGH I’m such a failure.. I will never be able to reach my goal” …

This sound familiar? Do you struggle to believe in yourself?

Did you know?…. YES.. you can strengthen the belief you have in yourself… which will lead to more confidence and more positive self belief!! Exciting right?!

So let’s get into it… there are several things we can do, but 3 main ones I want you to focus on…

.. but first, why do you struggle to believe in yourself?

When asked, most people I have talked to say something like…

… “failed” so many times

… never really had positive feedback growing up and in their life in general


… don’t like something about themselves (just making the belief in themselves even worse)

There are other things and many other ways to say these same things depending how they show up in your life… but no matter the reason… the solutions work equally as well…

This is why out of all the things I could talk about, I just want to focus on these 3 things… because it’s really a base line for you to get started and as you see it start to work…

… you will see it start to affect many areas of your life…

1. Take Charge / Responsibility:
You are the CEO of your life… you know yourself better than anyone else… you know what you are willing to do and what you aren’t willing to do… you have to ask yourself if you are willing to do whatever it takes to lose the weight, get the body, build the health, and gain the mindset it takes to reach your goals.

I tell people all the time… once you take charge… then its easier to do the second part… take responsibility… Let’s pretend for a minute that you are where you’re at today with your health because of someone or something… they or it literally forced you to gain weight, feel bad, and have health issues… how hopeless does that feel? … Now staying with that theme… TAKE THAT POWER away from that person or thing… Take Responsibility for the role you played in getting where you are at…. not by beating yourself up…. but just by acknowledging and being aware of the things you have chosen over the years that have held you back and made you feel bad…..

… NOW … YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE IT… if you don’t take charge and take responsibility you will never believe in yourself… because that thing or person will always be in your way…

2. Set ACTIONABLE Goals:
Most clients say… “I am going to lose X lbs of weight”.. thats great… but it’s not actionable… you can’t just “lose weight” … but you can change your behavior, lifestyle, activity level, what you eat, how much you drink, and many other things that will lead to weight loss…

… belief in ourself gets smaller and smaller over time because we don’t reach the goal… but to many times our goals are not ACTIONABLE..

So ask yourself… what things am I going to do that I can track?

.. you can track .. your food… your activity… your water intake just to name a few… start small.. start with aiming to hit an actionable goal 3 out of 7 days … don’t try to go all out all at once.. sustainable changes will lead to stronger self belief… but changing everything overnight isn’t realistic..

Actionable.. start small… track it.. in 30 days you will be amazed at the changes you have made…

3. Keep The Promises You Make To Yourself:
Every time we fail to reach our goal… we give up.. causing us to damage our self confidence and lowering our self belief…

…eventually whittling it down to barely existing… but we don’t realize that we are doing that…

so we set out to reach other goal…

…we don’t really take charge cause we didn’t know we needed to… we set a goal thats not actionable.. we can’t reach it.. don’t know why.. and give up… and we do that over and over and over again…

… breaking a promise to ourself EVERY.. SINGLE.. TIME..

If your friend or family broke this many promises you wouldn’t believe them either… but usually we don’t realize we are doing it to ourselves..

When you set an goal (actionable of course), you have to start small so that you can manage it.. if you say..

“starting tomorrow I am going to get up at 5am EVERYDAY”.. and you usually don’t get up till 7am… that’s not manageable since the extra 2 hours of sleep you won’t be getting everyday will build up and make you feel tired the first week…

When it comes to weight loss and health…

…start simple… start with something that you know … FOR A FACT… you will be able to stick to… do those for a week or two… then increase or change it… this will help you start to see that you are capable.. you are strong.. you can do it..

..which will lead to motivation, discipline, self confidence… and a positive cycle of building your self belief muscle.

I know this was a lot… and there could be more.. but I promise you if you Take Charge.. Set Actionable Goals.. and Keep The Promises You Make To Yourself… in 30, 60, 90 days you will not only believe in yourself again.. you will also be on your way to more weight loss, more self confidence, and feel better than you have felt in a long time!

If you need help, I am here

– Michael 

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