how to lose weight

Posted On February 3, 2022


by Michael Budensiek

How To Lose Weight

This is a question so many people ask and I know you might be hoping that somewhere in here is the one solution to the weight loss you have been trying to figure out for way to long, or maybe not that long, but you just want to get to the point and not waste your time looking everywhere.

Well, you will be happy to know… you landed in the right place, this is the TRUTH about how to lose weight and keep it off for good.

Now, you might read this and not like it, but you will have to ask yourself… Do I not like it because it seems hard? Or maybe you see something you don’t like because you feel like you have tried everything, because I know that feeling.

Give this a full read and try not to let your mind distract you before the end… cause that’s really how this works, it all comes together.

When I was 13 I started to workout…  

…it helped me with stress (teen hormones), manage my anger, and feel great (almost like I could take on the world). What I didn’t realize was happening is I would eventually be helping people with the ingredients of what it takes to lose weight and keep it off for good. 

I never understood for a long time what the recipe for weight loss success was (the certifications don’t tell the whole story), but as I coached more and more people and saw more people lose weight and then gain in it back and maybe lose it again, but really struggle with maintaining results I started focusing on figuring out was different with the few hand full of people that NEVER gained it back.

I noticed a few things about the journey first:
1 – They seemed to lose the weight more consistently
2 – They also seemed “ready” to lose the weight
3 – They started listening to their body

Now, you might be thinking… “Dude, just get the point… HOW DO I LOSE WEIGHT THE BEST WAY?”

I would look at you and say… “thats a long answer”, but it is one I can make real simple by breaking into three words and what they reach mean. Then, I have one word that brings all of these together and it will all be real clear to you by the end. Just a couple more paragraphs and you are going to know what the best way to lose weight is, no fluff and no lies. (I have be coaching professionally for over 15yrs).

Below is the best way to lose weight and keep it off when you apply these three things to your life.

Movement – Method – Mindset

Movement: This means move… find what you like and get moving. Don’t like to go to the gym? That’s completely fine, there are tons of ways to get moving. Everything has different benefits and positives and negatives. Don’t like any of them? That’s ok, you might not like it at first, but it’s a requirement of losing weight and keeping it off for good. We don’t have to like everything we do, sometimes we just gotta do it. Not to mention ALL the mental health benefits it has

People always ask me, “how much do I need to move?” The answer is, start with more than you are doing now. If that’s 5min per day, great! If you try to go all out, like 0 – 100 over night… you will not make it. Start small. Long term the goal is to move around everyday or for roughly 200min per week, but you will find once you get to the place where you enjoy…

…and you will because of how awesome you feel – then you will be moving way more than that on a weekly basis. Again, don’t focus on that 200 number, focus on the 5 number, thats where you start if you haven’t started yet.

Method: This is all about routine and nutrition. The method by which you choose to live and eat will determine your weight loss success.

Routine is easy so let’s address that first; find a schedule that makes sense for you when it comes to creating time for movement and planning/learning about nutrition.

Nutrition, this is where you have been scammed so many times, but before we get into that I will say this: If you have a tested & proven special condition, allergy, or intolerance this might not be for you and you might need special direction and or not be able to eat certain things.

But for the rest of us; low carb diet, keto diet, HCG diet, low gluten diet, blah blah blah. I could literally take up two pages with all the lies that are sold to us everyday in the food and diet industry… THESE DO NOT WORK LONG TERM… and many of them have been proven in studies to cause other issues with the heart or other internal organs. That doesn’t sound like healthy weight loss to me, but more like an easy way to make some money. If the word DIET is in it, it’s most likely not sustainable.

I know, people have said this to me a lot – “But, I did it and it worked, I just gained some of it back cause I couldn’t stay on it”. Usually that means most of it and they always say this part, “I just couldn’t stay on it”. That’s it, you shouldn’t have to “stay on” anything. Life is not a diet. It’s about finding balance in your nutrition.

All nutrients; carbs, fats, and proteins are important. Pending what type of movement you choose depends how much of each your body may need, but demonizing or over praising single nutrients will never work long term. Find balance.

There is a lot to learn when it comes to nutrition, so the same rule applies. Don’t try to do it all tomorrow, start with one or two things to focus on and build from there. I tell people who are just starting out to focus on getting hydrated (1/2 your bodyweight in ounces at a minimum everyday), start tracking calories so they get an understanding of how much they eat, and to start educating themselves on the difference of processed and whole foods. We want to be eating the majority of our foods as whole good options sooner than later, but start with what you know.

Your method is not about rushing, take your time and focus on the small daily improvements. “A journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step”.

Mindset: This is the part no one talks about or at least not enough. Improving your mindset around self, food, and health is critical to losing weight and then keeping it off for life.

I would say it’s pretty much the most important because our thoughts control our actions and our actions our results. So, what we think about (thoughts) we create (results). 

If all of our thoughts are not leading to victory in our health, we are very very unlikely to reach those goals.

There are so many ways to work on mindset, but you should start with the following two areas.

Noticing your thoughts: Many times we just go through our day not realizing how the things we think about ourselves or our goals are holding us back. You need to notice, do your thoughts put you in a place that feels positive and you are going to move forward or in a place that makes you not want to try? Once you know which one it is, move on to actively changing those thoughts if needed. The way you do that is every time you notice a thought that’s hold you back or hurting you, replace it with a positive thought. It takes practice, so again take it slow.

Affirmations, this is the second part to start with in mindset. Put in place daily affirmations that you say to yourself that are positive, goal oriented, and future tense. An example would be; I am so happy I have lost Xlbs and feel so much better. Another could be, I feel so good because I drink all my water everyday. This is just the beginning here so don’t stress if you miss a day or two. Do it as often as possible. Write it on a note and put it on your mirror, this really helps a lot. 

Ok, so we talked about Movement, Method, and Mindset as the way to lose weight and keep it off for life. But, there is one word that wraps all of this up and it’s truly the answer every single person I have ever worked with who lost it the “easiest” and kept it off created in their life.


Lifestyle: The truth is simple, health is not a 30, 60, or 90 day weight loss challenge. Are challenges good and helpful in jump starting some of those behaviors and changes we want to see? Absolutely! I have nothing wrong with many types of challenges. But, if thats where it ends then what did we really do?

I always wonder why we would put ourselves through the pain of kicking our butts for a challenge, just to let everything we learned and gained from that go to the way side over the next 30-90days. A that point we are just prisoners of our own cycles and that is no fun.

I don’t want the focus to be the “fitness challenges” we like so much. Health is not temporary, we either strive for it consistently or we don’t. Yes, there are times we won’t get it right and that’s completely fine. Too many times we get focused on “not getting it exactly right” and so we give up. This is life, you aren’t always going to get it right, but you can get it right now often than not when you put your mind to it.

You need to build a lifestyle that is sustainable for you. Something you don’t just enjoy, but also can realistically stick to for as long as you can see. Things will change, you will learn more, you will like different things, you will decide to change it up, but if you never give up you will lose weight and keep it off for life.

A lifestyle is NOT about hours and hours cardio, it’s NOT about starving yourself, it’s NOT about exhausting yourself to no end, it;s ABOUT balance.

You can do it.

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If you need help, I have coached hundreds of people on how to create this in their own life building it in around the busy, crazy, stressful lives they live. If you want a free consultation to see if we are a good fit for each other. Click here to contact

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