It Starts In Your Mind

Posted On September 21, 2021


by Michael Budensiek

It Starts In Your Mind

Have you ever had a goal you wanted to reach? You feel like you tried and tried, but ultimately you never met it or gave up in the process (usually the latter)

Have you ever taken time to think about why you struggled to reach that goal or maybe not reaching your goals is a pattern in your life you haven’t quite figured out?

Did you know that most of the outcomes of our goals are influenced by our mind? Specifically, our subconscious mind…

We generally achieve what our mind focuses on the most… are you focusing on failing? Are you focusing on not being good enough? Are you focusing on how hard it is?

… many times the over focus on the wrong things is why we don’t reach our goals… and thats all in our head.

Trust me, I am no different… building your “mindset” or subconscious mind to assist you in reaching your goals is a skill that can be worked on…. no matter how difficult it might be for you

The best way to start working on your belief in your ability to reach your goals is to feed your mind regularly with positive & encouraging words, books, audios, meditations, and anything you can get your eyes or ears on that starts helping you focus on things like….


… I will win because I won’t give up…

… I will win because I am working on myself so I have the skills and knowledge necessary for my goals…

… I will win because I can overcome any challenge that presents itself…

Convincing your mind that YOU CAN reach your goals is a must if you want a chance of actually reaching them…

Don’t misunderstand my simplified take on this topic…


It will be easy…

It will be in your exact timing…

You won’t WANT to give up sometimes…

It simply means… you WILL be able to reach your goals!

Give it a try

If you need help, I am here

– Michael 

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