The Mental Game

Posted On May 7, 2022


by Michael Budensiek

The Mental Game

When I was running this morning something happened that I thought I should share…but first let’s start here…

I hate running… well, hate is strong… and since I encourage others not to refer to things like that, lets say I don’t prefer it…

Now, if you want to play a sport that involves running like basketball or football… I’m in!!

Until a couple years ago that is the only time I would run… aside from a random workout that included maybe like a 1/4 mile run or something… was nothing consistent to say the least…

Just over 2 years ago I started doing some running, nothing crazy, just wanted to be in better cardio health… I started with 2 days a week… worked up to 5… now it’s 2-3 regularly… and I have maintained a consistent habit for over 2 years…

That’s why when what I am about to tell you happened this morning I was reminded how we ALL have a version of this going on and we must push through to reach our goals..

On Monday’s I workout with 1-2 other guys and we usually hit a few weight circuits and then get outside for a run…

Today was 1 mile… it was 6:15am.. so the Moon was looking awesome and bright… sometimes the moon is so bright I wish the street lights were out so I could experience how bright it really is… if you have been outside before the sun starts to peak you probably know what I am talking about…

Anyways, we start the mile and I am feeling good… it was 2 of us today and I am the slower runner so my buddy got out ahead of my quit a bit…

At a 1/4 mile I hit a wall… My calves felt like they were pounding… but I pushed on.. got to the 1/2 mile mark and my buddy passes me headed back to the starting point… not 5 seconds later…

My brain was like… just stop… just walk for a minute… just take a quick break… now if you run you know that when you stop it actually usually NEVER helps.. just makes it worse!!… so I kept pushing..

I approach the 3/4 of a mile.. my heart is pumping pretty hard now… my legs are screaming… and the thoughts of… just slow down… it’s just you out here… just walk for just a minute were SSOOO strong…

and that’s when I looked up at the moon to distract my brain and interrupt the thought patterns that were bound to make me feel worse… once I snapped out of it it hit me….

This is why we don’t reach our goals…

This is why you might have stopped trying…

to get stronger…

to lose the weight…

to build the confidence…

to get the health you deserve…

All because one little voice in our head wants us to give up… I tell you this story because I want you to know it’s completely normal… fighting that voice will be half the battle, but if you win the battle between your ears… you can win the war of achieving your ultimate fitness goal!

Have you ever dealt with this voice? Maybe you are dealing with it now?

Go to contact and reach out if you need me.

– Michael


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