Why You Must Lift Weights to Lose Weight

Posted On September 3, 2021


by Michael Budensiek

Why You Must Lift Weights to Lose Weight

I hear it all the time…

“Well I don’t really lift weights cause I don’t want to be a bodybuilder” … or

“I don’t want to get bulky” …

“I’m not trying to impress anyone” …

or my favorite…

“I just want to lose weight so I’ve heard I just need to do more cardio” ..

There are more, but let’s stop with that one… 

In a day and age where information is literally at our finger tips, sometimes I wonder where people are finding this information… and then I remember that there are plenty of programs selling stuff that’s NOT REAL… and only makes one feel like they are seeing results… only to be let down over the long term.

Now, if you want to see long lasting fitness results.. and especially weight loss.. lifting weights is a MUST… Why? ..

Because it’s going to help you gain muscle… and muscle is important

No, you won’t get bulky… No, you won’t look “weird”… No, you won’t gain more weight if you are trying to lose weight…

The list of benefits for lifting weights could go on and on… but I am just going to list a few…

1. Muscle burns calories… the more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn doing nothing. This matters because as you get closer and closer to your goal… without muscle it will be hard to maintain.. with muscle it will not only be much easier to maintain.. you will also be able to eat more!

2. Lifting weights builds strength… muscular strength helps with low back, hip, and knee health over the long term. Not only does it build stronger muscles, but also stronger bones, helping protect us as we age.

3. Increased metabolism… want a faster metabolism? YEAH!! We all do!.. lifting weights, building muscle and strength is one of the ONLY proven ways to increase your metabolism naturally.

These three benefits don’t even include things like, better muscle definition, improved mental health, increased self confidence… and like I said… the list can go on and on…

What are you waiting for? Starting lifting weights today to reap sooo many benefits and maintain your weight loss for life!..

Make sure you start with 2-3 days a week and build from there.

If you need help, I am always here!

Happy lifting, and happy losing!

– Michael

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