Your Body Hears Everything Your Mind Says

Posted On September 7, 2021


by Michael Budensiek

Your Body Hears Everything Your Mind Says

The words you say to yourself are more powerful than you think

“I’m not good enough”… “Of course that would happen to me” … “I can’t” … the list could go on and on

We have a rule in our house, sorta of spoken, but not really. Well, it’s only spoken when it’s broken

You can’t talk bad about yourself for any reason. So if one of us catches the other saying… “I’m such an idiot” or “I’m so stupid”

Whoa whoa whoa..Pump the the brakes… what you did was maybe a stupid mistake, but that doesn’t make you stupid

In a world where it’s so easy to find areas we are lacking with everything being shoved in our faces non-stop the words we use to ourselves are more important than ever.

Studies say we speak 7,000 or more words per day and on top of that we have 20,000 – 30,000 thoughts per day

Somewhere in-between the total words spoken and total thoughts formulated you are speaking and thinking words to yourself

Now, for the sake of making this easy and maybe you are thinking…. “oh, I don’t think about myself that often”, let’s just say it’s a combination of 100 thoughts and words everyday, most of which NO ONE can hear, because you are just talking internally to yourself

Thinking about that 100 number, how many of those things you think about yourself are positive or negative?

……..shew….. maybe this is hard to think about?

If so, we got work to do

If this is easy for you you, that’s great, but there is always room for improvement

If that negative number outweighs the positive number, this could be the mental shift you need to make in order to reach your goals

No matter the goal; weight loss, business, relationship, etc. beating yourself up everyday over everything will 100% of the time hold you back from your next level

You have to shift your thinking, which doesn’t happen over night, but it can happen and it will if you commit to it. Here are 3 things you can do that will help you to start making the shift:

1- Count your blessings: aka practice gratitude. This is real, so many times we get wrapped up in what we are struggling with that we can’t even see what all is going well for us or how great other areas of our life is. Wake up every single day and write down 5-10 things you are grateful for, then review them before bed. Wake up the next day and repeat, they can be different things or they can be the same. It’s the process of recognizing and recalling these things that puts us in a better place, mentally

2- Track your thoughts: use your memo pad on your phone or a note book and every time you notice a negative thought vs positive thought, make a note. At the end of the day, see how many of each you have. Start replacing any noticed negative thought with a positive one and see how quickly your thoughts begin to change

3- Decide to change: no one can do this for you. You have to make the decision that you want something different and acknowledge that the way you talk to yourself matters for your success to your goals. Yes, having some accountability or someone to check in with you can help, but ultimately you have to make this happen.

Now, this isn’t a fix all solution, everything we want out of life takes consistent improvement within ourselves to get there.

Once you realize that your mind in more powerful than you think… things will begin to happen. 

I am here to help if you need me

– Michael

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