You Are One Decision Away

Posted On September 8, 2021


by Michael Budensiek

You Are One Decision Away

You are one decision a day away from where you want to be. What you do or don’t do today, determines where you will be or won’t be tomorrow

Most times it’s not tomorrow though, and that can be the problem for many of us doing what we need to do and taking the actions we need to take day in and day out

It takes days, weeks, months and sometimes more of taking the actions we need to take to be where we want to be “tomorrow”, but if we never take those actions, we will never experience reaching our goal

Every day you make a decision, consciously or unconsciously to take or not take actions towards your goal

This is a hard thought to grasp, but if you made a decision everyday to do one single thing to move closer to your goal and you repeated that day after day after day, you WILL get there

The issue doesn’t lie in not being able to reach your goal because of some unknown roadblock, many times the issue and the roadblock is ourselves

We make a decision every day to do things that don’t serve us, that sabotage us, that ultimately keep us from our goals and sometimes we don’t even realize it

We need to workout, but make a decision to skip the gym

We want to move up in the job/company, but make a decision to not finish the phone calls or emails for the day

We want to find purpose, but make a decision to watch 4 hours of tv instead of open a book and work on self development

Don’t get it wrong, I mess this up just like you do. No one gets it perfect

The question you need to ask yourself everyday is this…..

“Did I make a decision to take an action to move toward my goal today?”

The only advice I can give you here is simple

Start making different decisions and you will start to see things start to change

If you need help, I am here

– Michael 

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