The Almighty Scale Has Won Again

Posted On September 10, 2021


by Michael Budensiek

The Almighty Scale Has Won Again

Everyone says it… everyone wants it… yet… our actions don’t align with our verbal desires… are we lying to ourselves, everyone else, or both? … let me explain..

“I want to feel better” – says literally every person I talk to in the past, present, and future (they will, I’ve been told this for 15 years) when I ask….. “What do you hope to get out of working out?”

Now, that doesn’t mean they don’t want other things like to lose weight, or build muscle, or get in a routine, or eat better…. but they always say…. “If I could just FEEL better, that is really want I want most – is to FEEL better” …. then..

… 2, 4, even 10 weeks later I say… “How are you feeling?”

.. “OH!! SOO Good, so much better.. and feeling better every week”…

…then they step on the scale… and the moment they see it did not produce the number they thought that it should…. doubt sets in… then a blast of negative self talk…. and all of a sudden….. the excuses….

“Well I just haven’t had time this week” … ” I know I should have eaten something better for me, but I was just in a hurry” ….

“I have been stressed, so i haven’t been able to really focus on my goals”….

The almighty scale has won again… you have allowed it to distract you from what you really want… which is to feel better… it has lead you down a path of self disrespect, thoughts of being a failure, and many other self defeating behaviors….

… but what did that have to do with the way you were starting to FEEL?….


Take your attention away from things that don’t serve you and focus it on things that improve you…

The better you feel, the more active and healthy you become, (out of more desire to continuing to feeling that way).. the healthier you become the better and better you continue to feel…. leading to consistency… leading to what you ALSO want.. weight loss, building muscle, wearing different size clothes, etc…

But the moment you THINK the scale didn’t tell you what you thought it should… you forget all about how you were FEELING…

Feeling better is about your confidence… its about your mental health… its about your real lasting results… it’s what you really want…. so focus on that… not on the scale… the scale is just ONE form of measurement…

These things will help you feel better and ultimately lead to everything else you want as well:
1 – Eat more whole foods
2 – Drink more water (1/2 your body in oz at a minimum)
3 – Have daily activity (walking, workout, mobility, etc)
4 – Say 5 nice things about yourself every morning and every evening

Stop worshipping the scale and allowing it to dictate your actions…

Start taking small steps toward your goals today

If you need help, I am here. 

– Michael 

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