Exercise Is Mental And Physical

Posted On September 9, 2021


by Michael Budensiek

Exercise Is Just As Much Mental As It Is Physical

Exercise is just as much mental and it is physical….

I would even go as far to say it’s more about mental health than physical most of the time… and I know plenty of people who that statement is absolutely true for them.

A lot of times I just workout because I know the affects it has on how I feel afterward and for the rest of the day… and has little to do with any physical goal that I have.

This is one reason why sometimes I can even go for a couple months without any “real goal” other than to stay consistent… because of the overwhelming positive results it has for my mental game

Exercising for your mental health is definitely of equal value as it is for physical and here are a few reasons why….

1. Exercise makes you feel good… when you workout your body releases different hormones and this gives you an overall positive feeling about your accomplishments for that day. Feeling good makes you more likely to make more decisions that are going to positively affect you. Feeling good helps you help others around you feel good… and in return – making you feel even better, again.

2. Exercise relieves stress/anxiety… Most of us either deal with one or the other of these pretty regularly… and for some people its both all the time…

 …Exercise reduces our stress and anxiety many times simple by getting our mind off of what is causing it and focused on doing something positive for ourselves. Stress or anxiety can sometimes lead us to becoming angry or frustrated with ourselves or others… when we workout it can help keep us from escalating those feelings or frustrations to another level.

3. Exercise improves self confidence and we all want to have self confidence. We can build self confidence by keeping the promises we make to ourselves and by proving to ourselves that we are capable. Exercise pushes us to be better because it’s challenging. When we keep the promise to ourself by showing up and doing the work… we gain more confidence… when we push ourselves and realize we are capable of more than our mind tries to tell us sometimes.. we gain confidence. It’s a win, win.

Now, these are obviously not all the reasons, but I would say some pretty important ones. If you’re struggling with your mental health, give exercise a try, you won’t be disappointed.

If you need help with setting up a plan or just a little motivation to get started let me know

I am here to help

– Michael 

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